Goal Obsession and Goal Setting

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2020

“Become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” ~Grant Cardone.

 Do you feel because you’re so obsessed with your goals that there are people around you who just don’t understand you?  Your family and friends just don’t seem to get it. They ask why are you making such a big deal out of this pipe dream and not putting focus on your family instead. 

Sound familiar? 

But it’s ok to prioritize what YOU want out of life. It’s ok if people get upset that they’re not at the top of your list. It doesn’t mean they’re not on your list. It means for right now, your priorities are in a specific order and what YOU want is at the very top. And what’s most important is that on that list, the person who’s at the top is YOU. 

Having an undeniable obsession with your goals is the only thing powerful enough to pull you towards your ultimate life goal. When you try to make sure everyone else is happy and content, your name starts to fall further and further down to the bottom of the list. You begin to lose sight of what you want. You lose sight of your dreams.

Own being obsessed with your goals because when you’re obsessed with something, you won’t stop until you achieve it. Know you’re not alone. You’re not the only one who is going through this. A true goal needs to become an obsession.

If you need to look again at where you are and reprioritize your list to be in the order that you choose it to be, that’s perfectly fine.

Understanding the 3 levels of goal setting is key to setting yourself up for success.

To accomplish your goals, first, it’s important to know how to set them. You’ve undoubtedly heard of SMART goals. SMART goals are good, but you can really grow when those goals are set strategically. 

If you want growth in your life, understand the 3 levels of goal setting, and how to optimize them.

Comfort Goals

  • You may be living in a COMFORT zone in many areas of your life. Your comfort zone is most likely the things you know how to do without really thinking twice...things you’re good at, things you enjoy, things you know. You’re on auto-pilot when you’re in your comfort zone. Very limited learning takes place here and it’s easy to become unmotivated.

 Stretch Goals

  • STRETCH goals are challenging yet achievable. These are goals that push you out of your comfort zone but you also believe deep down you can make it happen. Changes are made and risks are taken in the stretch zone. You also learn, grow and succeed. Stretch goals are not comfortable but are motivating and stimulating.

 Panic Goals

  • PANIC goals are those goals that are completely outside of your ability. These are goals that cause you great stress and anxiety which makes it difficult to learn, grow, and succeed. You have no energy to learn because you use it trying to manage or control the stress you feel.

You may not feel comfortable with public speaking in front of a large crowd. So why start there? Warm up by speaking in front of two of your close friends. This is your stretch goal. From there, try speaking in front of 10 friends. By setting yourself up to gradually improve, Stretching should begin to get easier.

Small wins go a long way subconsciously. So taking small steps into your bigger goals is equally as fruitful as just going for it. This way you’re setting yourself up for success. 

The takeaway

Pushing the limits of your comfort zone is challenging and it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t believe in your ability. Focus on living in the stretch environment and understand that any goal that’s a panic goal right now can potentially become a stretch goal if you just keep the course of setting your goals strategically. 

Things that may have seemed impossible can now be within your reach.


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